ScoutMaster Conferences

A Scout may request a Scoutmaster Conference (SmC) at any time, for any reason.  For rank Scoutmaster Conferences, it is generally preferred that a Scout completes all the sign-offs for that rank, though that is not requirement.   

Scoutmaster Conferences for Tenderfoot, Second Class and Life:

Scoutmaster Conferences for these three ranks are generally completed by an Assistant Scoutmaster and should be arranged through the ASM Helpdesk or by contacting Mr. Gary Jensen at  This process should be completed by the Scouts, even if they need to use a parent's email.  (Be sure to CC a parent for YPT email safety)

Any non-rank related Scoutmaster Conference or SmC for Scout, First Class, Star and Eagle:

Mr. Mooring (or his designee) completes Scoutmaster Conferences (SmCs) for all Scout, First Class, Star and Eagle ranks.  If you have a special circumstance that will not allow you to do your SmC before a meeting, please email Mr. Mooring to arrange an alternative date.  With enough notice, Mr. Mooring can also make time available on campouts.  

To schedule an SmC:  Scouts should email Mr. Mooring at  This process should be completed by the Scouts, even if they need to use a parent's email.  (Be sure to CC a parent for YPT email safety). 

SmC's are available most Tuesdays, unless Mr. Mooring has a conflict. Please be sure to contact me no later than 5pm on the Monday before the meeting you wish to conduct your SmC.  Please note:  If your SmC is scheduled before 7pm, one of your parents must be prepared to stay for the conference for YPT compliance.  

For non-rank related SmC's: Please email Mr. Mooring at

A few reminders for our Scouts:

Scoutmaster Note:  while considering this process, please keep in mind that Scouting is as much about the Troop/Patrol as it is the individual. One of the goals our Patrol Leaders Committee (PLC) has set is to have maximum Scout participation in the presentations and hands-on experiences at meetings in order to increase the Troop’s overall and continued proficiency (i.e., you don’t just learn something for your rank advancement and forget it the next week—you keep repeating and practicing it). In order to do that, we want to minimize the distractions and disruptions of pulling Scouts out of their Program to work on individual Advancement (like SmCs, BoRs, MBs, etc.). 

It does means you occasionally have to be at meetings early and might have a little downtime before the meeting starts  Our goal is to facilitate making great Scouts, out of each boy and girl, by having consistent meetings with everyone’s participation and a strong Troop-first environment.